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California Rental Criteria


  • The combined gross monthly household income must be at least 3 times the offered monthly rent. The current employer will be contacted to verify employment. Income must be verified by one or more of the following acceptable documents: Pay stubs, Bank Statements, Offer Letter, and Government Funding with the Applicant's Name listed. Additional pay stubs or bank statements may be requested at any time during the verification process.
  • For those receiving a government subsidy income must be verified by one or more of the following acceptable documents: Housing Confirmation of rental allowance and resident portion, Pay Stubs, Bank Statements, Offer Letter, and Government Funding. The employer will be contacted to verify employment.


  • Non-family rental or mortgage history for the past 2 years will be evaluated. Unverifiable rental history or first-time renters may result in an additional deposit dependent on the other criteria factors.
  • Any of the following negative findings may result in a denial of the application: 1) three or more late payments over the past 12 months; 2) any unpaid balance from a previous landlord or rental property; 3) damage to the property and/or lease or rule violations; 4) verification of poor housekeeping and/or on-going pest control issues. Less than 1 year of rental history may result in an additional deposit.
  • Foreclosures or evictions within the last 5 years will result in a denial if: There is an outstanding balance with the landlord or rental property; Applicant fails to meet the qualifications for one or more of the other criteria factors. Foreclosures or evictions within the last 5 years may be accepted with a higher deposit if all other criteria is met.


  • The application will be denied for any reported criminal related offenses listed below that occurred within the listed timeline prior to the application date regardless of the applicant’s age at the time the offense was committed. All records are evaluated from the date of disposition.
  1. Violent Related Offense - Felony or Misdemeanor - Within the last 5 years.
  2. Drug Related Offenses – Felony or Misdemeanor – Within the last 5 years
  3. Theft Related Offenses – Felony or Misdemeanor – Within the last 5 years.
  4. Weapons Related Offenses – Felony - Within the last 5 years/Misdemeanor - Within the last 3 years.
  5. Any Other Felony Offense – Within the last 5 years.
  6. Meth & Amphetamine Related Offenses – Denied regardless of time.
  7. Homicide & Stalking Related Offenses – Denied regardless of time.
  8. Sex Offender Related Offenses – Denied regardless of time.
  9. Deferred Adjudication and/or Adjudication Withheld – Must be completed for approval.
  10. Active Status on Probation and/or Parole – Denied if on active status.


A. Approval can be obtained if applicant meets the following criteria:

  • Credit score is at 600 or higher
  • No outstanding Liens or Judgments.
  • A bankruptcy must be more than two years old from the date of discharge to be eligible for approval with the standard deposit.
  • No utility related delinquent accounts or outstanding collection balances.
  • Total combined collection balance including charged off accounts must be under $3000 per household.
  • Income: Combined gross monthly income is at least 3 times the monthly rent amount.
  • Rental: Applicant has at minimum 1 year of positive verifiable rental history. No evictions within the last 5 years. No outstanding balance from a previous landlord or rental property.
  • Meets Criminal Criteria.

B. Conditional approval can be obtained if the applicant meets the following criteria:

  • Credit score of 580 or higher.
  • No FICO score or un-established credit.
  • Income: Combined gross monthly income is at least 2.5 times the monthly rent amount.
  • Employed for less than one year at current job.
  • A bankruptcy must be discharged to be eligible for approval.
  • Delinquent accounts must account for less than 20% of trade lines for the past 12 months.
  • Total collection balance including charged off accounts must be under $10,000 per household.
  • Foreclosure within the past 12 months.
  • Rental related collection within the past two years that has been paid.

C. Applicant(s) that score below the above requirements may be declined.

Note: Applicants or their household members who display hostile, belligerent, and/or discourteous behavior and/or action toward the Management, Agent and/or Owner during the qualification process may have their application rejected.

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